Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why you came to my house

That’s great and all but tell me about you. Tell me how your heart is. Not your physical heart and no, it’s not such a weird thing to say. The people I love the most ask me that in the form of a question. They ask “How’s your heart?” If you don’t know what I mean then tell me this; what has God been teaching you lately? Has He been teaching you? Does Jesus try and tell you about who He is in your day to day life, in your waking and sleeping, coming and going? If He isn’t then you shouldn’t be talking to me right now in this context. And here is the strange part; if He is you shouldn’t be talking to me. The reason I say all this is because I have a really hard time believing that God wants me to walk around this town, or any town for that matter, knock on a complete stranger’s door and when someone answers to start to tell people about Him. I really do not think he wants me to do that. Those people behind those doors that I am supposed to knock on, they don’t even know me and therefore, I can’t go and start to tell them how they should be living their life. What a nuisance I would be to those poor people behind those doors that I am supposed to knock on. God can ask some pretty crazy things sometimes but I am pretty sure that is not one of them.
So instead I look to Jesus. I read about it in the Bible. There I find that Jesus hangs out with people. He hangs out with crazy people like tax collectors and prostitutes. He hangs out with very real people in a very real ways. He eats meals with them just like we are eating together now. He got to know people not because of any reason except love. He loved people and after a while they just started listening to him and then they started coming to him, just to hear him talk. They wanted him to tell them how to live.
I invited you here to eat to make this point: I think your going about all this missionary business all wrong. I could try to figure out why you came to my door and knocked on it with the intention of telling me I need to change my life, but I would probably be wrong. I like to give you the benefit of the doubt that it is because you love me and want the very best for my life. The other part of me thinks that you’re just here because this is all you know and that someone told you that you have to do this for one reason or another.
Do you love me? Do you want to get to know me because of that love? If so then we can talk because you know, that is what I am looking for. So is the rest of the world. So stop being a missionary and go be someone’s friend for awhile.

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