Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The search again

Firstly, I fail. It’s pretty simple really. I ended one of my more recent posts like this: “Here’s to future posts.” I wrote it with the hopes of posting more often. That was November 20th and I have yet to really post anything at all really. I guess there is just too much pressure and thus I am left postless. That is really about all I have to say about that. I just wanted to remove the expectation of posts occurring here often.

I have read Searching For God Knows What before. It’s not hard reading. No offence Mr. Donald Miller but what you write is not hard to read. I know some authors put a lot of effort into making their writing impossible to comprehend by blanketing it in difficult language and grammar. I understand that there is some pride in doing so. It is obvious that one is more intelligent than another when said “Another” has to read “One’s” sentences several time before being able to understand what the heck they are trying to get across. That being said maybe my writing could cause me to be classified as intelligent, because yeah, my sentences don’t always make sense.

Regardless, I am reading the book again because, difficult writing or not, there are great portions of this book that I can’t seem to wrap my soul around. Soul and not brain. I got my brain around it just fine when I read the book the first time but I never actually acted it out. Let me share a portion to explain:

“I know there are people who have actually gone from misery to happiness, but they didn’t do it by walking through three steps; they did it because they had a certain set of parents and heard a certain song and knew somebody who had a certain experience and saw some movie, read some book, had something happen to them like a car wreck or a trip to Seattle. Then they called on God, and a week later read something in a magazine or met a girl in Wichita, and when all this happened they had an epiphany, and somebody may have helped them fulfill what this epiphany made them feel, and several years later they rationalized this mystic experience with three steps, then they told the three steps to us in a book. I’m not saying they weren’t trying to be helpful; I bring this up only because life is complex, and the idea that you can break it down or fix it in a few steps is rather silly.
“The truth is there are a million steps, and we don’t even know what the steps are, and worse, at any given moment we may not be willing or even able to take them; and still worse, they are different for you and me and they are always changing. I have come to believe the sooner we find this truth beautiful, the sooner we will fall in love with the God who keeps shaking thing up, keeps changing the path, keeps rocking the boat to test our faith in Him, teaching us to not rely on easy answers, bullet points, magic mantras, or genies in lamps, but rather in His guidance, His existence, His mercy, and His Love.” (from pages 14-15)

My friend Don is saying that life isn’t a formula and it’s not a storybook and it is not a Google search. Sure, I understand that in my head, but I can’t seem to stop living life like I can control God.

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