Monday, November 20, 2006

To Make People Happy

It is an amazing thing to make someone happy. I guess I realized that again today as I drank coffee at the coffee shop I used to work at. I have been brewing my own coffee in our little household coffee maker in order to get my fix for the past few weeks. I have done so being that I no longer work at the coffee place and can’t have the stellar coffee that they serve there for free any longer. The coffee I made in that little pot is nothing shy of fantastic, don’t get me wrong at all, I love drip coffee from Mr. Coffee but I have to say that today I tasted something quite unlike my Mr. Coffee made drip coffee. I walked into the building I used to work in feeling ashamed for not stopping by ever sense I quit even though I said I would. I said I would be in often just to assuage the guilt I had for quitting. The truth is I am a people pleaser. The very idea of my coffee-making-co-workers being disappointed with me for leaving made me quite somber. So I said to them I would visit as if my company would make everyone feel better about the whole thing. Obviously, I was not shunned for failing to keep my word. I was greeted with open arms and free coffee, which acted only as a fan to the flame of guilt that I carry, but nonetheless, I could not refuse the free beverage. I put the tiny ceramic cup to my lips, which held the precious macchiato in its bowl and was greeted with some of the most amazing espresso I have yet tasted. I was happy.

I recalled the times of my own employment at that very coffee shop, handing a patron one of the same tiny ceramic cups filled with life giving espresso. Or maybe it was not life giving and maybe I am taking this a bit too far but the point is I made the individuals who frequented that coffee place happy. They would tell me so. Not incessantly by any means but enough so that I new the coffee I made was indeed some of the best coffee they had yet consumed. I credit this to the coffee roaster, God bless him but the fact remains that I was a part of the experience. I could have destroyed that espresso shot but I did not serve bad coffee, at least not often or with my knowledge.

But that was some time ago. It was probably around the time I stopped posting here in “Grace-to-upend.” I have found that not having the routine, that a schedule of college classes provides, I have not been disciplined in my posting. I am disappointed by the lack of posts but surprisingly not because of my desires “to make people happy” (I really don’t want to give my own writing that much credit). My posting in a blog serves as a means for me to write for myself. If others benefit from this blog then I am flattered.

Here’s to future posts.

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