Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I used to get all offended about people smoking, especially as a kid. I was mean just like all kids (kids really say some of the most hurtful things, it’s true) and I would start to cough fairly obnoxiously when I smoker passed me by. I grew out of that. What developed though was a distain for people who smoked, and yes I was defiantly better than all smokers. My logic was undeniable. Smokers have this terribly weakness; they’re addicted, and the way I saw it I was not and therefore, I was better. It really makes sense if you look at it in that Aryan/white supremacy way.

Well, I got over that probably around the same time I found out that C.S. Lewis was a smoker. Who knew right? Or maybe it was around the time I started smoking cigars. I did that on and off for a few years until one made me puke like eleven times. What can I say; it was a memorable experience for all who were involved (the involved parties remind me of it incessantly).

Currently, I have a new reason not to look down upon someone for an addiction they may have. I don’t know too much about addictions or how they happen all I know is I have joined the ranks. I am not an addictive person, and by that I mean I don’t get addicted to things really, but the alternate meaning is probably true as well. But it appears I have become addicted to coffee. It caught me off guard really. I didn’t even think I drank all that much but man, if I don’t get a cup of joe in the morning I get a screaming headache and I get shaky. It's bad.

I don’t write this to say that I am above any other addiction, because I am told being addicted to coffee is kind of a minor thing. I write this to point out a lesson I am learning about myself: I am not above anything. I am finding I could probably be led to do just about anything. Present me with the right propaganda at the right time, or paint me that deceptive picture in my head and tell me it’s the truth and I’ll bite. I’m addicted to coffee and by becoming addicted I have realized I can become addicted to anything. God is teaching me that I am no better than the next guy.

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