Thursday, June 29, 2006

D*C Band

I was reading an interview with David Crowder and had to share part of it.

". . . we thought about how Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples before being crucified. They would have traditionally sung the Hallel as part of that—the Psalm with "His love endures forever"—before heading to [Gethsemane] and Jesus praying in agony.

"When that song was formed over years of Jewish tradition, part of me wonders whether God was orchestrating that to give his people something that he himself would need later on for comfort. Knowing that he would one day take human form, did he use this song to help gain confidence in God's love? Who knows, but I think it's really interesting how art and grief coexist and feed off each other like that."

If read this and said "I just can't get enough." here's the
to get there.

Speaking of the David Crowder Band, I just got their new CD B Collision the other day and have been greatly enjoying it. Is it bluegrass? Maybe not as we know it but it is to Crowder and if you can see where he is coming from what might be perceived as idiosyncratic turns into something beautiful. It has something to do with worshiping to the tune of “Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die.”

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