Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I have just moved. Last month actually. I moved from a one hundred year old house in Kansas City which I shared with four other people to the upstairs of a duplex in small town Washington state – Ellensburg, where I went to college. The duplex I moved into was built in the fifties or something like that. It appears to have the original carpet. It has carpet in the kitchen too but thankfully not in the bathroom. It has those huge windows that stretch from floor to ceiling in the living room. Every afternoon the sun pours in making everything very hot. I don’t mind though. I like to stand in front of these huge windows, often with a drink in hand, my whole self plainly visible to anyone who may pass by. When I hold a drink in my hand I feel like I am a very powerful person. I don’t know why but when I do this I like to pretend I am a CEO of a hugely successful company surveying his empire or that I am the commander of a large fleet of ships, maybe they are spaceships, I don’t know but I can observe my battalion from where I stand on the bridge. This is my domain. This is my new house . . . duplex I mean.


mamaktbug said...

i'd like to see pics.

Timothy Dyk. said...

I'm thinking you should invest in a fleet of real, live, spaceships.

I took an almost exact replica of the picture of a bird on your page, without even knowing it. It's pretty much the same picture, except my bird is yellow and hawaiian. Interesting? I think so.

pete said...

To mama: I'll get pics
To tim: pretend the pics are my real, live, spaceships. And yes. Interesting.