Monday, March 27, 2006

Expectations are like socks

Having a direction in life can make all the difference. I found an incredible peace while flying home from Kansas City because I have direction. Expectations are terrible things when placed on another person. They are just terribly confining, much like the socks I am wearing right now. I don’t like socks at all but I really do like warm feet. Some people don’t like socks or shoes and they just go barefoot but I find that if I do that I think about my feet a lot more than if I was just wearing socks, and who wants to be thinking about feet all the time, so I wear the socks, preferably non-cotton ones.

Expectations though, they really are a curse. Your career, for example. That’s a hefty one. I find that there is an expectation for me to have a career. Being that I graduate soon people just kind of expect me to start “my career.” I am not really a career kind of a guy. I want to go a work at a bookstore that has a little cafĂ© in it that my wife makes the best coffee on the planet in. I know I can’t work at a bookstore, drinking my wife’s coffee, for the rest of my life but I can figure out what I am going to do for the rest of my life while I am there. Sure as hell I can. And I can learn how to live my non-career life for the kingdom (as they say) and while my heart is nourished because hey, I want to be sanctified. Doing that would not be fulfilling the expectations that a feel over me but, it sure would give me joy. I know it sounds a lot like “Do what feels good” but I assure you it is much more healthy than that. It’s that I want to be apart of this world that is trying to give care to all the other parts of the world. I plan on taking some time to learn how to do that and the word “career” just isn’t a part of that plan.

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